International Journal of Intelligent Autonomous Systems

The International Journal of Intelligent Autonomous Systems has an online submission system which enables the author to track reviewer comments and the manuscript’s progress after submission and prior to publication. Submission starts with the author registration. Before submission, first-time users should register in the JEMS. The account will be activated wihin 12 hours of registration, and users will be informed via email. Once the account is activated, the authors can begin manuscript submission. The JEMS will guide the authors through the process of submitting and uploading their manuscripts. The manuscript should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docs) and written in the English. The manuscript should be submitted online and contain two separate files, i.e., a cover letter and a manuscript file. The author’s name and affiliation should only be mentioned in the cover letter. The manuscript file size should not exceed 6 MB. If the text plus figures exceed 6 MB, then figures, tables, images etc., may be submitted separately.

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Processing of the manuscript

The status of the manuscript will be “New Manuscript” when it is first submitted to the Journal for review. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal will then assign an expert editor for conducting the preliminary Editorial review. If approved, the manuscript will be forwarded for external review under the supervision of the Assigned Editor. After the external review, the author will be notified of the first decision of acceptance, revision or rejection and the review status will be updated in JEMS as well. If required, then the author can upload the revised manuscript which addresses the reviewers’ suggestions and comments. The manuscript received after revision will be identified as “Revised Manuscript” and this manuscript will be sent for another round of review after the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Thereafter, the author will receive one of the following decisions on the manuscript:

  • Accept
  • Minor revision
  • Major revision
  • Reject with resubmission
  • Reject

On Submission

The International Journal of Intelligent Autonomous Systems (IJIAS) offers contributing authors the option to publish as an Open Access Article. If the author selects open access, then the author is required to pay Open Access Fee following the acceptance of an article for publication. Besides the Open Access Fee, there are no hidden charges. For more information on open access policies, click here. The open access fee for IJIAS is given below:

Open access

  • In open access, the articles are made freely available to both subscribers and the wider public immediately after online publication.
  • Choosing an open access does not affect the peer-review process of the manuscript.
  • The open access fee for IJIAS is 571 USD.

Extra Page Charges (Not Applicable for Open Access)

For subscription based articles, manuscripts of 10 pages (research/review papers) or 6 pages (technical notes) will not be charged any fee. Submissions of more than 10 pages or 6 pages (respectively) will be charged 55 USD for each extra page. To easily keep track of the number of pages of the submission, authors can use the IJIAS template.

After Acceptance

Upon acceptance of any article in the IJIAS, the author will receive an acceptance notification email with a copyright form attached. The author is required to get the copyright form signed by all co-authors and send the scanned copy back to the Editorial Office for further processing. Upon successful completion of this process, a proof will be made available to the author for a final check prior to publication. The author can then proofread the manuscript and check for the typesetting, conversion errors and the accuracy of the text, figures and tables. Changes in the content of the submission after acceptance are not allowed without the Editor’s approval.


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