Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics


Volume 1, Issue 1, June-July, 2016

Pages: 01-13

Experimental analysis of vortex tube by varying the geometry and material a review

Author: KKK Rao, A Ramesh, M Rajesh, GNM Rao

Category: Mechanical


Refrigeration plays an important role in developing countries, primarily for the preservation of food, medicine, and for air conditioning Conventional refrigeration systems are using Freon as refrigerant. As they are the main cause for depleting ozone layer, extensive research work is going on alternate refrigeration systems. Vortex tube (VT) is a non-conventional cooling device, having no moving parts which are capable of separating hot and cold gas stream form an inlet gas stream with a proper pressure without affecting the environment. This device suits for vital applications because of its light weight, simple and more importantly it is compact. This paper presents experimental results by the different investigators on the effect of various geometrical parameters, like nozzles, orifice, conical needle modifications, and different material like metallic and non metallic and experiment, to improve cop, cooling performance of vortex tube under these conditions listed below. 1. Tangential nozzle orientation with Symmetry/ asymmetry of around 4 nozzles with stopper. 2. Cold orifice diameter to the inlet diameter (d/D) and the length to its inlet diameter (L/D) 3. Cylindrical and conical hot tubes with conical angle of about 2.5? surpassed. 4. The effect of varying the cone valve diameter (dc= 14, 12,10,8, and 6mm), with constant nozzle diameter of 6.5 mm by varying the pressure of the inlet air 2-6 bar 5. The effects of cooling of a hot tube directly cooled by cooling water jacket. 6. The effect of cold end side which has the form of convergent helical nozzles with 7 mm orifice diameter and 6 no. of nozzles by inlet pressure (2 to 5 bar in step of 1bar ),conical valves with an angle (30°,45°,60°90°). 7. The effect of Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube (RHVT) with threads cut (pitch is 1 and 2 mm) on its inner surface of hot tube. 8. Different materials of hot tubes with adiabatic like Mild steel, Aluminium and Copper with same L/D ratio 9. By influence of uniform curvature of main tube of VT Also by the literature review it is clear that there is no theory so perfect, which gives the satisfactory explanation of the vortex tube phenomenon. Due to this reason researcher conduct the series of experimentation to understand the effect of various parameters mentioned above to improve the performance of vortex tube.

Keywords: Tube, geometrical parameters, orifice diameter, tube length, experimentation, COP, Ranque-Hilsch vortex tube

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