Editorial to introduce the Special Issue: 6th Brazilian Meeting of Biomechanical Engineering (ENEBI 2018) Part II
A. G. Siqueira,Zilda de Castro Silveira
On using tensor analysis for infrared image registration
Maira B. H Moran,Wilian G. Fiirst,Jos� R. Gonz�lez,Djenane C. Pamplona,Aura Conci
Comparison of hand segmentation approaches in grasp images obtained with an omnidirectional vision system
Ivan C. Perissini,Viviane C. R. Appel,Matheus B. Rezende,Leonardo M. Pedro,Glauco A. P. Caurin
On pilot studies for robotic therapy: the relevance of healthy subjects’ motor control responses to protocol design
Silva-Couto MA ,Siqueira AAG
Control of Exoskeleton for Lower Limbs and Influence on Kinetic and Muscular Properties by using Motor Primitives
PF Nunes,GG Pe�a,WM dos Santos,AAG Siqueira
Crack initiation and propagation in a post-and-core restored maxillary first premolar: A two-dimensional analysis
Veronika Fedotova,Estevam Barbosa de Las Casas,Osvaldo L. Manzoli,Claudia M.A. Mattos,Eduardo A. Rodrigues
Automation and segmentation of timed up and go test with single redundant IMU
Felipe B. ASchneider,Laura S. Vargas-Valencia,Teodiano F. Bastos-Filho,Patrick Marques-Ciarelli,Anselmo Frizera-Neto
Multiscale remodeling model for orthodontic movement
Em�lio G. F. Mercuri,Mildred B. Hecke,L�dia Carvalho
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