The Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics has an online submission system which enables the author to track reviewer comments and the manuscript’s progress after submission and prior to publication. Submission starts with the author registration. Before uploading a manuscript, first-time users should register in JEMS and create a user ID and password. After registration, the author will receive an automatic email within 12 hrs of registration confirming their registration in the system. The account will then be active and the user can upload manuscripts. JEMS will guide the user through the process of submitting and uploading their manuscript details. The manuscript should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) and written in the English Language. The manuscript should be submitted online and contain two separate files: a cover letter and a manuscript file. The author’s name and affiliation should only be mentioned in the cover letter. The manuscript file size should not exceed 6 MB. If the text plus figures exceeds 6 MB, then figures, tables, images etc. may be submitted separately.
For any queries regarding online submission, please contact
Processing of the manuscript
The status of the manuscript will be “New Manuscript” when it is first submitted to the Journal for review. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal will then assign an expert editor for the preliminary Editorial review. If approved, the manuscript will be forwarded for external review under the supervision of the Assigned Editor. After the external review, the author will be notified of the first decision of acceptance, revision or rejection and the review status will be updated in JEMS as well. If required, the author can upload the revised manuscript which addresses the reviewers’ comments. The manuscript received after revision will be identified as “Revised Manuscript” and this manuscript will be sent for another round of review after the approval of the Editor-in-Chief. Thereafter, the author will receive one of the following decisions on the manuscript:
On Submission
JMEB is an open access journal which also offers contributing authors to publish as an Open Access without any charge.
Open access
For those whose are unable to submit the manuscript in the prescribed format; he/she can apply for manuscript assistance. For this service, author has to pay the charges based on the manuscript that will be conveyed to the author through email.
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