Mechanisms and Humanoid Robots (MHR) journal publishes original research articles contributing to all the areas of theoretical and experimental methodologies of machines, mechanisms and humanoid robots. The journal aims at encouraging the contribution towards latest advancements in the development of new theories, new techniques, and new applications related to future robots.
The scope of the journal covers topics that includes: theory and kinematics of mechanisms, mechanism synthesis, design algorithms, multibody dynamics, dynamics of machinery, computational kinematics, non linear vibrations, gearing and transmissions, linkages and cams, compliant mechanisms, transportation machinery, experimental test and techniques, mechatronics, control and reliability of mechanical systems and micromachines, robots and robot related technologies, design and analysis of robotic manipulators, folded robots, hapic devices, soft robotics, printed robots, robot learning and cognitive development, visual-, auditory-perception, language programming and communication, Interaction of human and robots, biped walking, locomotion and navigation, grasping, robot hardware and electronics, and any new research applicable to humanoid robots which is not mentioned in the above list may also be considered.
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