Journals in Biomechanics

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics(JMEB)

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Biomechanics is a scholarly online blind peer review open access journal published bimonthly by Rational Publication. The journal aims at inspiring the young researchers and academic professionals and provides an insight of mechanical engineers. Currently journal is published online. In future it will be available in print version also. The journal is devoted to accept only the original research and review articles. JMEB is committed to publish only quality works which are reviewed by experts in related field. We do not accept papers which are without scientific logic and validation.

Journal of Computation and Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Biomechanics(JCAIMB)

Swarm Intelligence and Numerical Methods journal is committed to publish good quality, peer-reviewed original research work and review articles on the recent developments in the multidisciplinary field of Swarm Intelligence, its applications in real world and Numerical methods.

Journal of Structural Design and Numerical Methods(JSDNM)

Computational Science and Engineering Software journal aims at publishing all aspects of computational based science and engineering techniques which covers advanced computing, data analysis and engineering applications.

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